We are proud to offer the best experiences

We get to make Friends on the road

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    A person

  • Nam ac elit eget velit mattis sollicitudin. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras commodo pellentesque risus, quis viverra eros tincidunt id. Nulla eu felis nec urna tincidunt tempus quis quis arcu.

    My name

  • Perfect Ride - Perfect Coast - Perfect Guide - Perfect Shop/Service - Perfect Bikes

    I can't recommend Kili highly enough - from the friendly, experienced staff in the shop to the bikes themselves as well as the guides. You simply can't go wrong!!

    Dean Fawcett

  • The ultimate Bike Guys in San Sebastian

    Their incredible insider knowledge of where to ride, how to get there and genuine fabulous customer service made our trip one of the best cycling adventures ever.

    Al Mandell

  • Just perfect

    And last but not least, the Basque country is just amazing. Smooth and brutal climbs, corniches close to the sea, perfect roads in the countryside, and many many options.

    Jack W

  • Simply the best

    Thanks KILI for making it such a great couple of days on the bike in the beautiful Basque region.

    Tom W

Visiting the Basque Country and/or the Pyrenees?

Rent your bike with us

The machine for a cyclist is an important part of the global experience. We think exactly the same. This is the reason to offer you the opportunity to ride the best bikes

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Why Basque Country Cycling

CULINARY Worldwide recognized as one of the key places for best culinary experience. Some of the best restaurants in the world are located here. Arzak, Akelarre, Mugaritz, ...

TOURISM The Basque Country is one of the most beautiful places your eyes would ever see. Awesome beaches, mountains, cities and landscapes to get totally lost in. Unforgettable.

CULTURE The Guggenheim Museum, Artium Museum, Chillida & Oteiza’s sculptures,… the art, the history and the architecture of the Basque Country is deep as you want to know.

CYCLING The Clásica SS, the Basque Country Tour and the Tour the France ride here, and this is for a reason. You will be in a never ending cycling paradise; Jaizkibel, Tourmalet, Aubisque...